eBooks - Germany

  • Germany
  • The eBooks market in Germany is projected to reach a revenue of €237.50m in 2025.
  • This represents a significant growth opportunity for the country.
  • It is expected that the market will continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.21% from 2025 to 2027.
  • By the end of this period, the projected market volume is estimated to be €238.50m.
  • As the market expands, the number of readers in Germany is also expected to increase.
  • It is anticipated that by 2027, there will be approximately 9.7m users eBook readers in the country.
  • This indicates a growing interest in digital reading among the population.
  • In terms of user penetration, in Germany is expected to have a rate of 11.6% in 2025, which is the proportion of the population that is actively using eBooks market.
  • This figure is projected to rise slightly to 11.7% by 2027, suggesting a gradual increase in adoption.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) in the German eBooks market is expected to be €24.59.
  • This metric provides insights into the value generated by each individual user and indicates the potential profitability of the market.
  • In a global context, it is worth noting that United States is expected to generate the highest revenue in the eBooks market.
  • In 2025, the projected revenue for the United States is estimated to be a remarkable €4,903.00m.
  • This showcases the dominance of the US market and highlights the potential for growth in other regions, including in Germany.
  • Germany's eBook market is experiencing a surge in popularity, with a growing number of readers embracing digital reading and contributing to the industry's rapid growth.

Key regions: United States, France, China, Asia, Europe

Comparación de regiones

Analyst Opinion

In comparison to physical books, eBooks are often sold for quite high prices, and consumers do not actually benefit from the cost reduction that comes from low printing and distribution expenses. This circumstance curbs the eBooks market’s growth potential heavily, although the general adaption among consumers is still consistently growing.


Data coverage:

The data encompasses B2C enterprises. Figures are based on the ePublishing market. ePublishing is defined as paid editorial/written content distributed over the internet, including eBooks (fiction, non-fiction, and academic publications), digital editions (replicas) of consumer and trade/business magazines (eMagazines), as well as daily or weekly newspapers (ePapers). All monetary figures refer to consumer spending on digital goods or subscriptions in the respective market. This spending factors in discounts, margins, and taxes.

Modeling approach / market size:

The market size is determined through a bottom-up approach. We use annual financial reports of the market-leading companies and industry associations, third-party studies and reports, survey results from our primary research (e.g., the Statista Global Consumer Survey), as well as performance factors (e.g., user penetration, price per product, usage) to analyze the markets. To estimate the market size for each country individually, we use relevant key market indicators and data from country-specific industry associations, such as various macroeconomic indicators, historical developments, current trends, and reported performance indicators of key market players. In particular, we consider average prices and annual purchase frequencies.


We apply a variety of forecasting techniques, depending on the behavior of the relevant market. For instance, the S-curve function and exponential trend smoothing are well suited for forecasting digital products and services due to the non-linear growth of technology adoption. The main drivers are GDP per capita, consumer spending per capita, and 4G coverage.

Additional notes:

The data is modeled using current exchange rates. The market is updated twice a year in case market dynamics change. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered at a country-specific level. The data is modeled using current exchange rates. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war are considered at a country-specific level. The market is updated twice a year. In some cases, the data is updated on an ad hoc basis (e.g., when new, relevant data has been released or significant changes within the market have an impact on the projected development). GCS data is reweighted for representativeness.

Visión general

  • Revenue
  • Analyst Opinion
  • Users
  • Demographics
  • Global Comparison
  • Methodology
  • Key Market Indicators
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