Definición Empirical probability
The empirical probability or relative frequency indicates the percentage of statistical units in a sample, who have indicated a specific characteristic value or variable. Relative frequency is therefore expressed in percent.
If, in a survey about political affiliation, 50 out of 1,000 respondents had stated their affiliation as Republican, the relative frequency of that variable ('Republican') would be 5% (= 50 divided by 1,000).
Tenga en cuenta que las entradas de nuestro glosario son explicaciones simplificadas de términos estadísticos. Nuestro objetivo es hacerlo accesible para un público amplio, así que puede que algunas definiciones no cumplan los estándares científicos.
- Extreme value
- Extrapolation
- Experiment
- Exogenous variable
- Excess
- Endogenous variable
- Empirical probability
- Elementary event
- Ecological fallacy