Nuestra base de datos de fuentes
Con estadísticas, estudios e informes de más de 22.500 fuentes,
el rastreo eficiente juega un papel fundamental. Nuestra base de
datos le garantiza encontrar lo que busca de forma rápida y sencilla,
ya sean procedentes de empresas, de instituciones
gubernamentales, de estudios de mercado o de asociaciones. En Statista
garantizamos la transparencia y el cumplimiento de los estándares
académicos; por eso hacemos públicas todas nuestras fuentes.
Más información.
- The Straits TimesThe Straits Times
Singapore press holdings (SPH)
- The Strategic CounselThe Strategic Counsel
The Strategic Counsel
- The Student RoomThe Student Room
The Student Room Group Ltd.
- The Sugar AssociationThe Sugar Association
The Sugar Association, Inc.
- The Sulphuric Acid Association of JapanThe Sulphuric Acid Association of Japan
The Sulphuric Acid Association of Japan
- The Summit ExpressThe Summit Express
The Summit Express
- The SunThe Sun
News Corp UK & Ireland Limited
- The Superyacht GroupThe Superyacht Group
The Superyacht Group Ltd.
- The Sustainability ConsortiumThe Sustainability Consortium
The Sustainability Consortium
- The Sustianable Shipping InitiativeThe Sustianable Shipping Initiative
The Sustianable Shipping Initiative
- The Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy AnalysisThe Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis
- The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy AnalysisThe Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis
- The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water ManagementThe Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Havs- och vattenmyndigheten
- The Swedish Bankers' AssociationThe Swedish Bankers' Association
Svenska Bankföreningen
- The Swedish Cancer SocietyThe Swedish Cancer Society
- The Swedish Confederation of Professional EmployeesThe Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees
Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation
- The Swedish Construction FederationThe Swedish Construction Federation
Sveriges Byggindustrier
- The Swedish Consumer Energy Markets BureauThe Swedish Consumer Energy Markets Bureau
Konsumenternas Energimarknadsbyrå
- The Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau and The Swedish Consumers' Insurance BureauThe Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau and The Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau
Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå och Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå
- The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre GroupThe Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre Group
Svenska Mässan stiftelse
- The Swedish Federation of Business OwnersThe Swedish Federation of Business Owners
- The Swedish Food FederationThe Swedish Food Federation
- The Swedish Football AssociationThe Swedish Football Association
Svenska Fotbollförbundet
- The Swedish Gambling AuthorityThe Swedish Gambling Authority
Finansdepartementet (Sverige)
- The Swedish Higher Education AuthorityThe Swedish Higher Education Authority
The Swedish Higher Education Authority