Definición Full population survey

In a full population survey, all individuals of a population are included in a study, for example in a survey or direct questioning (e.g. all of the students of a university). There is no selection made in the form of a sample. The advantage of a full population survey is that the population can be split and sorted according to various criteria, because the data set is complete and contains data on all of the individuals.

Usually, full population surveys are only conducted for small populations, as a complete coverage is often impossible. A special form of a full population survey is the census of a population, which records information about all members of a population. 

Tenga en cuenta que las entradas de nuestro glosario son explicaciones simplificadas de términos estadísticos. Nuestro objetivo es hacerlo accesible para un público amplio, así que puede que algunas definiciones no cumplan los estándares científicos.

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