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Revenue in the Digital Fitness & Well-Being market France 2018-2028

Revenue in the Digital Fitness & Well-Being market for different segments France from 2018 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Digital Fitness & Well-Being market includes Fitness trackers and Health & Wellness coaching markets. The Fitness trackers market comprise devices that are explicitly intended for fitness and motion tracking. Health & Wellness coaching includes fitness apps for detecting/tracking/analyzing and sharing vitality and fitness achievements. It also covers nutrition and diet apps, which help users analyze their nutrition behaviors and keep a record of their eating patterns with the purpose of improving health


The Digital Fitness & Well-Being market consists of two product categories: Fitness trackers, which includes smartwatches, smart scales, activity trackers, and, Health & Wellness coaching, which includes fitness apps for detecting/tracking/analyzing and sharing vitality and fitness achievements, as well as nutrition and diet apps.

Additional Information:

The market data includes revenue, average revenue value per user, users, and user penetration rates.

The data only reflects B2C revenues, B2B and C2C revenues are not covered.

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