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Consumer electronics sales channels in the Asia-Pacific region 2022, by country

Share of consumer electronics sales channels in the Asia-Pacific region in 2022, by country

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Outlook are estimates
The Consumer Electronics market comprises electronic and digital devices used privately either for entertainment (television sets, radios , smart speakers, etc.), communication (telephones, smart phones, etc.) or home-office activities (printers, copiers). Consumer electronics and household appliances (such as washing machines and refrigerators) are often sold by the same retailers, but the latter are excluded from this market outlook as they serve a purpose different than the one mentioned above. Big brands in this category are Samsung, Dell, HP, Apple, LG, Sony, etc. The Consumer Electronics market is driven by innovation – a constant improvement on existing products and their blend in creation of new commodities. This is why many of the devices contained in this market have more than one purpose (e.g. smartphones can be used as cameras, radios, etc.), and, in order to realize a consistent segmentation, focus is on their main function. The Consumer Electronics market only includes retail sales.

All figures are estimate. A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Market Outlook.

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