International tourism receipts worldwide 2006-2023
Global international tourism receipts increased sharply in 2023 compared to the previous year, recovering from the impact of COVID-19. After declining to roughly 561 billion U.S. dollars with the onset of the pandemic, international tourism receipts worldwide grew steadily in the following years, exceeding 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023, the highest figure recorded to date.
What is the most visited global region by inbound tourists?
While global inbound tourism receipts surpassed pre-pandemic levels, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide remained still below the figure from 2019, totaling around 1.3 billion in 2023. Overall, both before and after the impact of COVID-19, Europe was the most visited global region by international travelers, with over 700 million inbound tourist arrivals in 2023.
What are the most visited countries by inbound travelers?
With Europe being the most popular global region among international travelers, it does not surprise that two European destinations topped the ranking of countries with the highest number of inbound tourist arrivals worldwide. Overall, France reported the most inbound tourist arrivals in 2023, followed by Spain, the United States, and Italy.