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Revenue of diabetes care devices MENA 2016-2028

Revenue of diabetes care devices in the Middle East and North Africa region from 2016 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Diabetes Care Devices market, a medical technology market, includes medical devices used in the management and treatment of diabetes. These devices range from blood glucose meters and continuous glucose monitoring systems to insulin pumps, insulin pens, and other related accessories. It is important to note that the market does not include pharmaceutical products used in the treatment of diabetes, such as insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents.

Additional information:
Market values represent revenues paid to primary vendors at manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by consumers (B2C), enterprises (B2B), and governments (B2G). Revenues are allocated to the country where the money is spent.

Key players in the market include Medtronic, Abbott Laboratories, and Roche Diagnostics. Further information on the key players can be found in the Market Shares boxes.

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