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Revenue of the beer market Australia 2018-2028

Revenue of the beer market in Australia from 2018 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Beer segment includes fermented alcoholic beverages based on malt as well as non-alcoholic beers. The Beer segment is divided into two sub-segments: alcoholic beer (minimum alcohol content 0.5% ABV) and non-alcoholic beer (maximum alcohol content 0.5% ABV). Globally, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Heineken, China Resources Snow Breweries, Carlsberg, Asahi, and Molson Coors are regarded as the most important companies in this sector by volume. The market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, volume and average volume per capita, price per unit (per liter), as well as sales channels. Additionally, it covers sales (at-home sales, out-of-home sales, and eCommerce sales) to private end customers (B2C). The at-home market encompasses sales via supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, and similar channels. The out-of-home market encompasses sales to hotels, restaurants, catering companies, cafés, bars, and similar hospitality service establishments. The eCommerce sales include the sale of physical goods via digital channels. Online sales are also displayed in the eCommerce Alcoholic Drinks subsegment of Digital Market Insights. However, online sales that are attributable to the out-of-home consumption of alcoholic beverages are not included. Different prices are considered for at-home and out-of-home consumption. The price per unit refers to liters as a base unit, and the average price is a combination of the at-home and out-of-home prices, which includes all sales and consumption taxes. Per capita figures refer to the whole population.

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