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Revenue of the coffee machine market Australia 2019-2028

Revenue of the coffee machine market in Australia from 2019 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The market for coffee machines encompasses a range of electric appliances used for brewing coffee at home. These products exhibit variability in terms of brewing principle, function, size, and price, ranging from basic drip coffee machines producing large quantities of black coffee to capsule machines offering single-serve coffee with simplicity, as well as high-end, fully automated espresso machines combining grinding, pouring, and frothing functionalities to produce customized cappuccino or white coffee. However, it is essential to note that different regions have their unique coffee cultures and brewing methods. Therefore, accessories, such as grinders, milk frothers, and spare parts, professional coffee machines for HoReCa and office use, and alternative brewing methods such as French press, cold-brewing systems, Moka stovetops, and percolators are not included within this segment.

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